International Journal Of Water Resources & Arid Environments (IJWRAE) Vol 4(2) Oct. 2015
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(94-104) Effects of a Bio-Stimulant and Salinity Stress on Growth and Quality of Ryegrass (Lolium prenne L.), an Urban Desert Landscape and Forage Crop, for Sustainable Agriculture in Arid Regions
Mohammad Pessarakli
(105-111) Low-Cost Technology for Wastewater Treatment for Irrigation Reuse
Esawy Kasem Mahmoued
(112-119) Membrane Manufacturing, Testing and Evaluation in Brackish Water Desalination in the Arid Regions: A Case Study in Wadi El-Assiuti, Upper Egypt
E.M. Abu El Ella and M.M. Sellim
(120-127) A New Conceptual Framework for Water Conservation Based on Addressing Water Balance, Crop Rotation and Economics
A.Z. El-Bably, S.A. Abd El-Hafez, M.A. Mahmoud and Samiha A.H. Oud
(128-137)Development of Nondestructive Measurement Technology for Detecting the Salinity Stress of Jatropha under Saline Irrigation Levels
Ahmed A. Afifi
(138-145) Watershed Analysis of Rabigh Drainage Basin, Saudi Arabia
Nayyer A. Zaigham, Omar S. Aburizaiza, Gohar A. Mahar, Zeeshan A. Nayyar and Azhar Siddique
(146-153) Environmental Impacts of Industrial Wastewater Effluents on Water Quality of Nile River
Abdelkader T. Ahmed
(154-162) Groundwater Management in the Esna Area, Upper Egypt: An Application of Remote Sensing and Numerical Modeling
Manal Abdel Monem, Abdalla Faid, Esam Ismail and Matthias Schöniger
(163-170) Climate Change Impact on Groundwater in Cheliff-zahrez Basin (Algeria)
M. Meddi and A. Boucefiane