International Journal Of Water Resources & Arid Environments (IJWRAE) Vol 2(3) Sep. 2013
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(120-124) Assessment of Hydraulic Performance of Groundwater Recharge Techniques
Hassan Ibrahim Mohamed and Sameh S. Ahmed
(125-133) Quantification of Drought in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Qassem Y. Tarawneh
(134-138) Optimization of Water Consumption in a Polyethylene Greenhouse Used in Semi Arid Region -- Hassini Noureddine
Dobbi Abdelmajid and Abderrahmani Belaid
(139-145) Performance Evaluation of Solar Power Based Electrolytic Defluoridation Plants in India
Subhash Andey, Pawan Kumar Labhasetwar, Gajanan Khadse, Poonam Gwala, Prashant Pal and Prashant Deshmukh
(146-157) Assessment and Management of the Flash Floods in Al Qaseem Area, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Mohammed El Bastawesy and Khalid Al Ghamdi
(158-163) Spatial Decision Support System for Water Wells Mining in Siwa Oasis
Saleh Mesbah Elkaffas, Massoud A. Massoud, . El-Raey and H. El-Wakeel
(164-171) Meteorological Drought and Crop Yield in Sub-Saharan Sudan
Nadir Ahmed Elagib